Monday, September 29, 2008


I kan still remember this day vividly..... This dae was a Friday which meant it was coming to the end of the week. Having this in mind, i went to school. Upon reaching my class, I heard news from my seniors tat there will be school annual anniversary rehearsal for the whole school, after hearing tis, i almost fainted cause tis meant tat after sch, we have 2 stay until veri late b4 we kan go home... However, if this dae was a normal fridae, still ok, but this dae we got 2 attend a play arranged by our GP teachers @ night, and the best part was tat i did nt bring the clothes tat i planned 2 wear 2 the play 2 sch, which oso meant tat i have 2 travel all the way home jus 2 collect my clothes, and then travel back 2 sch 2 attend the rehearsal, then rush 2 city hall 2 attend the play. However one of my teacher have planned to conduct a makeup lesson tat dae after sch, but as my attire tat i wore 2 sch tat dae was really nt suitable to go to the play, so i decided 2 rush back home during the break between dismissal time and the time b4 the rehearsal, but sadly i failed...... By the time i reached sch, the rehearsal have already ended... So i and my friends went for dinner 2gether, b4 rushing to the play.
After the play, we went to watch the F1 trial match which was held tat dae, but due to the fact that there r too many ppl watching and the track destinated for the race had been sealed, so we could only hear loud screeching sounds and not see the F1cars driving past... Such a pity, but no use. Then i and a few of my classmates went shopping @ the mall nearby, then after tat, as it was getting late, all of us headed for home.. Although i did not get 2 see the real F1 car driving past, but i was glad i was @ the scene.. It was such an eventful and memorable dae...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Days In school

It have been 2 mths since school reopens. Everything have been going very well, regardless of studies or realtionships between my classmates. Until recently, things started to go haywire regardless of studies or other stuffs in school. Talking about studies, i really dun noe wat 2 sae.. At first, my grades are still considered not bad, but as daes passed, my grades started to fall and later rise again. I realli dunnoe wat is wrong wif mi, is there something wrong wif mi? Did i not study hard? Or am i not attentive enough in class, or am i not consistent wif my work or am i not hardworking enough? All these questions keep poping inside my head, which seems tat they r going 2 crack open my brain soon.... Or is my standard still not up 2 mark.. i remembered once after i took a test for my wen xue xin shang, i almost broke out in tears, actually 2 be specific, i did broke out in tears... i dunnoe wat happened to me, i jus kannot control my tears from falling down, maybe becus of i noe tat i actually messed up the whole paper, and i am gonna 2 fail tat test... tat is why i cried bah...
School is fun, that is nothing to doubt about. But my mood everyday of going 2 school are about the same bah... Sad, upset, moody, emo and so on... i guess maybe becus of my family matters bah....
Yesterdae my classmates and i went to watch a concert in National Library,all the way throughout the concert, i was laughing so much untill my heart going 2 come out liao... but after the concert, my mood dropped again, when we went for supper.. Sometimes, i really wonder wat is wrong wif mi.... Am i too depressed or did i think things too much...