Friday, March 20, 2009

So Tiring until kannot cope liao

Life is so free but yet so stressful nw. Although the teachers dun conduct lessons nw in classes, instead they wan us 2 do our revisions in sch. I am ok wif it, but i somehow have the problem of nt being able 2 concentrate in doing my revisions in class. Maybe there are distractions bah, such as ppl working in and out of the class, bell sounds from one of my classmate, ppl talking and discussing between each other, all these seem 2 be my distractions which distract me from concentrating on doing my revision. Maybe classroom is nt a good choice for me, i would rather study alone in a quiet place, although sometimes it might get rather boring and dry, but i still feel it works tat way for me. Maybe this is my own way of studying bah.
Other than tat, there r oso distractions when i am studying at home, but i will realli try hard 2 calm myself down. Previously i am addicted 2 Hot Shot which is realli a veri good taiwanese drama, as inside the show, have great basketball scenes where the actors such as Jerry Yan, Show Luo aka Xiaozhu, Zun, aka wu zun, and more display their basketball skills which makes the show exciting. And xiaozhu oso veri cute. This is what makes the drama so captivating. Other than that, the female actors r oso veri good in their acting. I like the coach, W who is previously in NBA coaching the basketball players, nw in Pi Li Feng Huo Lang Dui in Pi Li Xue Yuan, coaching the players, Yuan Da Ying, Dong Fang Xiang, Qi Xiao Yun, Qi Xiao Yu and last of all, Du Fei. I love W . I like her when she is interacting wif Da Ying aka xiaozhu and when she is like falling in love wif him. The interactions are so cute. She is oso veri pretty too. Jie er which is oso quite a good actor, she is taking up 2 roles, which is 1) Zhan Jie er, 2) Qiu Kui. I actually like qiu kui better as he displays excellent skills as a professional street basketballer, instead of her being zhan jie er, who kannot make up her mind. Maybe i like qiu kui becus he doesn't show his face in front of the audience and mainly dong fang xiang, and this is what makes him special and gives me a sense of mysterious. Other than that, Wu zun is still my most favourite idol, cause he is so handsome. I guess that is all i have 2 say about hot shot. It is realli a veri good drama.
Curretly i am addicted 2 ToGether, which is ai jiu zhai yi qi. Acted by Rainie Yang, Jiro Wang and George Hu. Initially, i told myself that i wont watch it, cause rainie yang's hair realli kannot make it and it is oso veri exaggerating. But the sat when the show is telecasted on tv for the first time during yu le bai fen bai, i sort of like it and i went 2 watch the first episode. During the show, i was amused by da dong's actions and behaviours, and i continued 2 watch the second and third episode online and as i continued watching, i sort of like rainie's character momo in the show and i oso wans 2 know how it progresses and what will be the ending. Hope the ending wont disappoint mi. It is quite a funny drama, but compared 2 miss no good, it is still nt up 2 expectations. But it is really worth watching. Hope episode six come out soon.... Anyway, George aka Jia sen is so sweet 2 momo and treats her so well like she is the only one in his world.... so innocent and so protective of momo.....same as Mars, zhuang jun nan. Haha... realli worth watching...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why everything became like this? Why are they all like that?

Sometimes i really don't understand how my classmates think. I think even if we are going 2 be classmates for another 3 yrs plus, i will forever not be able 2 noe what they r thinking. They always sae we r childish, as we r the youngest in the class, but do they noe they r oso veri childish, nt only childish, is super childish......
The things that they do are wat i really dun expect them to. They r older than us, by right, they shld take kare of us, but instead, they treat us as fools and twirl us around their fingers. I am a veri good example. Other than that, they did things which i really kannot believe that they would realli do it and these r things that would only be done during sec sch, not now. This thing is cheating in tests, cheating openly without being ashamed or guilty. The worst thing is tat they keep pushing the blame to others when things goes wrong. But to mi, even if u jus took out the notes for reference during tests and copied some of the answers inside, u r still considered cheating. It is still cheating.... I kannot tolerate ppl who cheated during tests and worse take it as it is correct and push the blame around when things started 2 go wrong. Although i admit that when almost the whole class are cheating, i did have the urge 2 cheat too. But i told myself i kannot do it as it will really ruin my future. If i really did started 2 cheat, my future will be totally gone, no need 2 wait for exams 2 kick mi out, i would be kicked out... This is wat i was realli angry about. How come all my classmates become like this? Why? Kan i jus take it as nth happen? Kan i?? Kan they stop all these nonsense? Sorry for those who has seen my blog, if this is making u veri unhappy, pls forgive me. I am jus venting out all my frustration. For all those who have seen this post and nt feeling veri happy, i am terribly sorry. Sorry.