Friday, June 12, 2009

Can I go?

I am so infatuated with Fahrenheit, all of them are so cute, so handsome. Can't help to love them more and more. Realli, I realli kannot help to love them more and more. And oso this was the name of their latest album, “越来越爱”. Recently i jus ordered their caps from the concert online. Then i came across one post on the blogshop which was their concert in Taiwan on 24th and 25th October this year and will be held at 小巨蛋. I want go so badly. But kannot. Cause i am not in Taiwan now. But i realli want to go, the tickets cost 160 bucks. Should I buy? But i am not sure if i am going or not. But if i dun buy then i won't have the chance to buy anymore as the blogshop seller told me that most of the tickets sold out. So should I buy? So vexing. dun think bout it anymore. Just buy it bah! Yeah, i have come to a solution. Haha. I want go Fahrenheit's Concert!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Feel so refreshed...

Recently, a new show just came out, which is the korean version of Meteor Garden, called 韩版花样男子or Boys Over Flowers. After watching its debut, i became veri interested in how the plot will progress, so i went on to watch the second episode online... But this thinking and opinion of mind did not suddenly appeared when watching the second episode online, it happened way way earlier when i watched the first episode on TV. The thinking is i found the first male lead, Gu Junpyo which was the leader of korean F4 and also the richest of them all. When i saw him the first time, i found that he was not handsome at all and looked realli disgusting. After seeing the acts that he did, it did not made me throw away this thought, but made me more certain on it. Sorry to those who had seen my blog and were deeply agitated and upset bout this comment. But i wont delete this post of mine, and i strongly believed in what i had believed in. I wont change it for anyone else.
However i found the second male lead, Yin Jihoo quite friendly as he was the one who always helped the female lead, Jandi whenever she was being bullied by Gu Junpyo. Although he was part of F4 also, but it didn't obstruct him from helping out Jandi whenever she needed help. This made mi notice him abit more than the others in F4. However it was when the person whom he loved, Min Rui XIan left him to tour around the world, then i started to feel that he was so lonely afterall. When he was prompted by Jandi to chase after Min Rui Xian, he was furious when he saw Jandi kneeling in front of Min Rui Xian, when he scolded Jandi for being so nosey. It made me feel sad for him. Although Min Rui Xian were the one who made Jihoo walk out of his closed world after his parents's deaths, and Jihoo fall in love with her, and oso they had happy moments 2gether, but Jihoo was never happy, and he was always lonely, alone. It is just that nobody noticed it only. It was after Min Rui Xian left him that made him seem to be more lonely only.
After Jihoo came back after few episodes, he seemed that he was alright and everyone was like y u returned. But he was just ok. But it did seem otherwise. After his trip, he seemed even more enclosed and his eyes always have a tinge of loneliness and he always seemed so melancholic.... It made me feel sad for him. After a few episodes, then i started to know that the reason why he came back and why he was so melancholic, was because a french president proposed to Min Rui Xian and she somehow or rather accepted it. That's the reason y Jihoo came back... Because Rui Xian had always been the most important person in his heart, other than his parents... But i strongly believed that this will change... The most important person in Jihoo's heart will change....
Jandi had always been fond of Jihoo, but she was afraid to tell him because she felt that she was not even qualified to fight with Min Rui Xian for him, as firstly, Min Rui Xian was her idol, secondly, she felt that Min Rui Xian was realli pretty, which i find her so so, thirdly, she was more wealthy and was in a more prominent family than her, and lastly, she was Jihoo's most important person in his hesrt. With all these, she found that she did not even have the right to fight for his love, Jihoo... But Jandi was realli very concerned about her Jihoo sunbae, all his matters and problems was equivalent to her problems. She was the one to tell Jihoo to chase back Min Rui Xian. When he came back feeling upset and disappointed with himself, she was also the one beside him all the time, telling that he was not at fault... As time passed, Jihoo found that he was somehow in love with Jandi. This was what i tot when Gu Junpyo announced that Geum Jandi was his girlfriend in front of the whole school, and Jihoo objected, then on the rooftop, he asked Jandi if she was realli together with Junpyo, then he asked am i too late, and he said in a serious manner that i was intending to ask u to be with me. Then he said shall we date secretly behind Junpyo's back. Then when Jandi was shocked and asked if he was realli serious with her eyes wide open, Jihoo then answered in a jokingly manner that he was just joking... This made me realise that that was not what he wanted to say and that was not what he realli want to mean.. He was realli in love with Jandi.. This was when i started caring for him and noticing him and oso rooting for him...After their trip from New Caledonia, Gu Junpyo was furious, and commanded for Jandi and Jihoo to be expelled and announced that Jihoo was no longer a member of F4... Damn him! But Jihoo was not at all worried bout himself, he was worried bout Jandi instead... He later called Gu Junpyo out and told him to let Jandi go and oso Jihoo said that he will protect Jandi and not let Gu Junpyo hurt her.
Lastly, nothing was changed until Gu Junpyo's sister came back and took over the whole matter and tried to resolve it by asking them three to choose one ball and each ball contained one sports event. Gu Junpyo chose Horse Riding which was obviously not his strongest strength, but he managed to emerge as the winner which made me feel that he was indeed pathetic, trying to make Jandi stay but lost, he was in fact the loser, while Jihoo was the winner despite the fact that he lost... He won the heart of Jandi. Next, Jihoo chose Car Racing, which was his weakest point and a longtime trauma in his heart, as his parents died because of an accident and he was the one who witnessed it, who would be strong enough to witness their loved ones leave them and not feel traumatised and affected. Jihoo did tried to start the car when practicing for the competition, but he failed. But i was not at all disappointed, cause i knew he realli needed time for him to overcome this phobia for racing cars, and Jihoo, Jia You! Before the competition started, Jandi came to see Jihoo and tried to oso talk him out to withdraw from this competition after knowing about his trauma, and she said it does not matter whether she was expelled or not, cause she did not even belong to the school at all, but he felt that Jihoo should not be the one leaving. But Jihoo answered he wanted to work hard, he wanted to vie for this chance to be with Jandi, he won't give up.. Lastly, he saw the porridge and asked if it was for him, when Jandi asked whether he wanted to eat, he answered yes and Jandi scooped up for him. When Gu Junpyo saw all this, he was affected and he lost control of his car. This happened to be seen by Jandi and Jihoo. Then Jihoo came up with a brilliant idea. and it was indeed brilliant. At last with that brilliant idea, Jihoo won the competition. Gu Junpyo shld not blame Jihoo for doing this. He had no choice. He could only do it to protect the person he loved which was Jandi. Last of all, Jandi chose Swimming for the last event, as Gu Junpyo did not know how to swim, so after some discussion, it was agreed that it would be a 2 to 2 competition where Jihoo would still take his position, and he would be against Woo Bin, while Jandi would swim for Jihoo and her sake, and she would be against Yi Jeung who would replace Gu Junpyo. Lastly, the competition ended with the lights all off, and making Jandi as the champion. Actually it was Gu Junpyo who switched it off as he did not want to see the final result, he did not want to accept the fact that Jandi would leave him. The final result was 2 against one, J.J scored 2 points, whereas Gu Junpyo only scored one point. J.J won.. and Jihoo asked Jandi if she wanted to go on a date with him. She agreed, but after this date, everything changed. This was Jandi and Jihoo's first and last date... Because both Jandi and Gu Junpyo were very stubborn, Jihoo had to do the job by provoking Gu Junpyo insulting Jandi and made him beat Jihoo in anger and at last they came up with a ruse to make Jandi reveal her feelings towards Gu Junpyo.. And it worked. But not long after they started squabbling again. Jihoo walked out of the ward smiling but later the smile disappeared. I know he was feeling terrible, veri terrible and upset..
After that dae, Jihoo became the one always beside Jandi whenever she was upset with Gu Junpyo or when she was forced to leave Gu Junpyo by Gu Junpyo's horrible mum.. I don't understand y Jihoo had to be the one who always console Jandi whenever she was unhappy, seeing him console her made me sad. Because Jihoo was consoling someone who was unhappy but not because of him. Whenever things happen, Gu Junpyo always asked Jihoo to go look for Jandi and take care of her. Y? Y Jihoo had to suffer this fate? Just because he valued his friendship with Gu Junpyo, so he had to let go of his love for Jandi and let Gu Junpyo have her.. Y he had to see Jandi crying for Gu Junpyo and not him? Y he had to give his greetings to this couple when he was actually feeling terrible inside? Y Y Y? Y Jihoo had to be the one always beside Jandi but cannot be with her just because she was the girlfriend of Gu Junpyo? Y Jihoo had to be the one secretly loving her and protecting her and yet not loved by her? This world is realli too unfair!!!! “总是对你太贪心,怎么办呢?” I felt sad after hearing this. It was because u loved her so u r greedy. It was not wrong. realli not wrong. u cannot control urself thinking of her and caring bout her but u told urself this was wrong.. it was not wrong at all. Jia You, Jihoo. Always Supporting u! 不能拥有你,是金丝草的损失,不是你的错!你是世界上最棒的! and oso Jandi always seem happier with you! u r her soulmate! So dun give up! 继续加油,尹智厚!
That's all with my post. Will continue to update.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Such a tiring period

This few weeks are so tiring for me. Everyday, wake up, the first thing i will think of is project, project and PROJECT! This project has already pulled my grades down . Which means that my effort for the past few months are wasted. So i told myself to put in more effort for this project which is my chinese yuwen zhuan ti. But whenever i told myself to concentrate, the more i kannot concentrate, and the worse thing is i will feel like sleeping. Days passed, and i am still stuck at my zhuan ti. However during these few wks, i kannot sae that was wasted. i did learn more things and found out more info about the topic that i am doing for my zhuan ti, which is chengyu. i did learn more about the six chengyu.s that i am doing, such as the dian gu, origin of the chengyu...
Finally, after few wks of hard work in completing my zhuan ti, it is the time to hand in the final result of my hard work, but not todae, as i spent too much time on doing last changes to my zhuan ti and overshot the time for handing in the zhuan ti. Sian, 2morrow have 2 make another trip to the sch, just 2 hand in the zhuan ti then go home. Life is damn boring. Boring~
But one thing that made mi realli happi is that i passed all my three subjects and got successfully promoted 2 the next level. This realli made my heart settle down as in i am more relaxed and less tensed up now. As earlier i tot i would not be able to get through it successfully, with my chinese teachers all wanting to see me, made me even more tensed up, i almost got depression becus of this. haha~ Jus joking. Anyway, God have been veri good to me, i will certainly work hard when sch reopens. Wait for my good results!~

Friday, March 20, 2009

So Tiring until kannot cope liao

Life is so free but yet so stressful nw. Although the teachers dun conduct lessons nw in classes, instead they wan us 2 do our revisions in sch. I am ok wif it, but i somehow have the problem of nt being able 2 concentrate in doing my revisions in class. Maybe there are distractions bah, such as ppl working in and out of the class, bell sounds from one of my classmate, ppl talking and discussing between each other, all these seem 2 be my distractions which distract me from concentrating on doing my revision. Maybe classroom is nt a good choice for me, i would rather study alone in a quiet place, although sometimes it might get rather boring and dry, but i still feel it works tat way for me. Maybe this is my own way of studying bah.
Other than tat, there r oso distractions when i am studying at home, but i will realli try hard 2 calm myself down. Previously i am addicted 2 Hot Shot which is realli a veri good taiwanese drama, as inside the show, have great basketball scenes where the actors such as Jerry Yan, Show Luo aka Xiaozhu, Zun, aka wu zun, and more display their basketball skills which makes the show exciting. And xiaozhu oso veri cute. This is what makes the drama so captivating. Other than that, the female actors r oso veri good in their acting. I like the coach, W who is previously in NBA coaching the basketball players, nw in Pi Li Feng Huo Lang Dui in Pi Li Xue Yuan, coaching the players, Yuan Da Ying, Dong Fang Xiang, Qi Xiao Yun, Qi Xiao Yu and last of all, Du Fei. I love W . I like her when she is interacting wif Da Ying aka xiaozhu and when she is like falling in love wif him. The interactions are so cute. She is oso veri pretty too. Jie er which is oso quite a good actor, she is taking up 2 roles, which is 1) Zhan Jie er, 2) Qiu Kui. I actually like qiu kui better as he displays excellent skills as a professional street basketballer, instead of her being zhan jie er, who kannot make up her mind. Maybe i like qiu kui becus he doesn't show his face in front of the audience and mainly dong fang xiang, and this is what makes him special and gives me a sense of mysterious. Other than that, Wu zun is still my most favourite idol, cause he is so handsome. I guess that is all i have 2 say about hot shot. It is realli a veri good drama.
Curretly i am addicted 2 ToGether, which is ai jiu zhai yi qi. Acted by Rainie Yang, Jiro Wang and George Hu. Initially, i told myself that i wont watch it, cause rainie yang's hair realli kannot make it and it is oso veri exaggerating. But the sat when the show is telecasted on tv for the first time during yu le bai fen bai, i sort of like it and i went 2 watch the first episode. During the show, i was amused by da dong's actions and behaviours, and i continued 2 watch the second and third episode online and as i continued watching, i sort of like rainie's character momo in the show and i oso wans 2 know how it progresses and what will be the ending. Hope the ending wont disappoint mi. It is quite a funny drama, but compared 2 miss no good, it is still nt up 2 expectations. But it is really worth watching. Hope episode six come out soon.... Anyway, George aka Jia sen is so sweet 2 momo and treats her so well like she is the only one in his world.... so innocent and so protective of momo.....same as Mars, zhuang jun nan. Haha... realli worth watching...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why everything became like this? Why are they all like that?

Sometimes i really don't understand how my classmates think. I think even if we are going 2 be classmates for another 3 yrs plus, i will forever not be able 2 noe what they r thinking. They always sae we r childish, as we r the youngest in the class, but do they noe they r oso veri childish, nt only childish, is super childish......
The things that they do are wat i really dun expect them to. They r older than us, by right, they shld take kare of us, but instead, they treat us as fools and twirl us around their fingers. I am a veri good example. Other than that, they did things which i really kannot believe that they would realli do it and these r things that would only be done during sec sch, not now. This thing is cheating in tests, cheating openly without being ashamed or guilty. The worst thing is tat they keep pushing the blame to others when things goes wrong. But to mi, even if u jus took out the notes for reference during tests and copied some of the answers inside, u r still considered cheating. It is still cheating.... I kannot tolerate ppl who cheated during tests and worse take it as it is correct and push the blame around when things started 2 go wrong. Although i admit that when almost the whole class are cheating, i did have the urge 2 cheat too. But i told myself i kannot do it as it will really ruin my future. If i really did started 2 cheat, my future will be totally gone, no need 2 wait for exams 2 kick mi out, i would be kicked out... This is wat i was realli angry about. How come all my classmates become like this? Why? Kan i jus take it as nth happen? Kan i?? Kan they stop all these nonsense? Sorry for those who has seen my blog, if this is making u veri unhappy, pls forgive me. I am jus venting out all my frustration. For all those who have seen this post and nt feeling veri happy, i am terribly sorry. Sorry.